
With expert and experienced team members, we provide tailored IT Consultancy Services with proven IT and sustainability sectors knowledge.

We aim to minimize the negative effects of IT operations on the environment by designing, manufacturing, operating and disposing of servers, PCs and other computer-related products in an environmentally friendly manner. The motives behind green IT practices include reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency during a product's lifetime, and promoting the biodegradability of unused and outdated products.

Importance of green IT

Climate Change

Enterprise IT emits a lot of greenhouse gases and contributes to climate change. Businesses must track and reduce their emissions as well as various types of toxic electronic waste that pollute the environment. Green IT approaches can be a useful part of broader climate strategies in companies.


Businesses are increasingly under pressure from governments and the public to reduce their environmental impact. Green IT makes more efficient use of resources, reducing waste and emissions and improving recycling rates. This helps businesses comply with government regulations.


Green IT can be a component of environmental, social and governance initiatives in companies, and many now use ESG reporting to disclose green IT practices. Positive ESG performance is attractive to customers, prospective employees and investors. 

Our Service Domains To Help You To Lower Your Digital Carbon Footprint

Begin with the easier tasks

One of the first things organizations can do is to control device use and try to do more with fewer devices, while maintaining efficiencies

Understand emissions categories

Understanding the fundamentals of emissions to help their company on its sustainability journey. Understanding what scope emissions fall into is a starting point.

Optimize data storage and cloud use

The rate at which large data centers consume global electricity is rising by 10% to 30% annually, due to continually increasing workloads.

Considering the cloud vs. legacy tech

The cloud runs on data centers, which have massive negative environmental impacts. Despite cloud providers' net-zero pledges and sustainability claims, data centers require electricity, need water for cooling, generate noise, use hardware and generate e-waste. That's why reducing environmental effects in ways that don't create negative material is important.

Building greener software

For software to consume less energy, developers must engineer it with its digital carbon footprint in mind. That also extends to the way developers generally approach newer technologies such as AI.

Measure carbon intensity

In the business landscape, leaders treat growth in the arena of products and profits as gospel. That approach has had major environmental costs and is coming under scrutiny. But it highlights one issue around metrics: How do IT teams know if they're doing better if the company is growing?

Power the cloud with green energy

One important factor that should be considered more closely is the question of where they're sourcing energy. Cloud software that draws its energy from windmills, solar farms or nuclear plants produces less carbon emissions than those that draw energy from coal or gas plants.

Understand renewable energy factors

Clean energy is better energy, but it's not always so easy to access.


If we don't know what we have, how can we measure the carbon footprint?